FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
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Susan Finch

Sep 11, 2018

5 Hiking Adventures with Teens

Whether your teen has a sparkling and agreeable personality who thirsts for adventure or is a bit sour on the idea of a family vacation and thinks everything is boring, the answer is likely the same. Give your teen travelers a challenge with a hiking adventure that transforms their view of the world. From relatively easy hikes in California to visiting the “black waterfall” in Iceland, here are five hiking adventure ideas with teens.

Travel Tips to Help Protect Your Health and Your Trip

Five Tips to Help Minimize Potential Travel Problems

Travel Tips
Sep 6, 2018

Should You Take Your Kids Out of School for Vacation?

You’re dreaming of that big family vacation to the mountains to cool off, discovered a perfect getaway on a quiet beach or finally found a decent price to indulge in Disney without taking out a small loan to do it. The only problem is your own schedule and vacation time just doesn’t align with your kids. Now what? Should you take your kids out of school for vacation or just let it be and find another time? Here’s what to know before you buy those non-refundable tickets.

Sep 2, 2018

Hiking with Toddlers 101

When you had kids, you swore you would do all of the same things you did when you were young, carefree and only answered to yourself. Then reality set in and you realized everything with a toddler requires a creative new strategy. Lacing up your hiking boots for the first time and trekking off with a toddler in tow suddenly feels daunting. Rest assured you can still plan a successful hike, as long as you prepare in advance and adjust your expectations. Here’s how to get started.

United Airlines Celebrates its First Class of United Aviate Graduates

As the only major U.S. airline to own a flight school, United Airlines already hit a major milestone, and now the carrier celebrates another important — and historic — step as the inaugural class of United Aviate Academy pilots graduates, leading the next generation of aviators. The 51 students in the graduating class were majority, at 80 percent, women and people of color — another stride toward United’s goal of training 5,000 new pilots by 2030 with half women or POC.

Travel Tips
Aug 29, 2018

Where to Take Breaks on Long Road Trips to Keep Your Sanity

Remember the days your parents took you on road trips? Chances are you could roam in the back of a station wagon and there was no stopping until it was dinner time or you were about to burst? These days, our kids have more entertainment at their disposal from tablets to gaming devices, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to stop. Stretching can be crucial to everyone’s health and avoid issues related to circulation and sitting too long. It also keeps everyone in the family sane and puts an end to the nonstop chorus of, “He’s looking at me!” from the back seat.