FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
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Tag: local

Age Specific / Kids
Jul 15, 2019

Not a “Food Crawl,” But a Sprint for Adventurous Kids

By now, even casual eaters know Mexico City is not just Mexico’s national seat of government and a cultural hub, but also its gastronomic capital. With that reputation growing stronger over the past decade, many general interest and specialized tour companies have sought to cash in on Mexico City’s expansive panorama of tacos al pastor, pozole, tamales and quesadillas. But which one do you pick if you are traveling with young children, be they staunchly set on mac-and-cheese or fearless food explorers — or a few of each?

Travel Tips to Help Protect Your Health and Your Trip

Five Tips to Help Minimize Potential Travel Problems

Age Specific / Kids
May 8, 2019

How to Teach Your Child to Be an Eco-Friendly Traveler

Eco-friendly travel doesn’t mean you have to give up luxuries and modern conveniences, especially when those conveniences are so vital to travel with a young child. You can still travel sustainably while teaching your children to be eco-friendly travelers in the process through example and formidable childhood experiences.

New on the “Market” in Israel

Thanks to the recent launches of several food tours and markets, the land of “milk and honey” just got a bit more diverse and flavorful. “Old city” markets are as appealing as ever, but the new offerings allow visitors to delve into neighborhoods and foods that easily broaden the scope of Israel’s food scene.

United Airlines Celebrates its First Class of United Aviate Graduates

As the only major U.S. airline to own a flight school, United Airlines already hit a major milestone, and now the carrier celebrates another important — and historic — step as the inaugural class of United Aviate Academy pilots graduates, leading the next generation of aviators. The 51 students in the graduating class were majority, at 80 percent, women and people of color — another stride toward United’s goal of training 5,000 new pilots by 2030 with half women or POC.

Travel Tips
Nov 1, 2018

Apartment Vacations in Paris Are a Breeze for the Family

The city of romance with kids? Yes, it can be done with a family, and it doesn’t have to be at a sterile hotel, either. For those reluctant to gamble in the Airbnb lotto comes a similar concept that offers up more service: Paris Perfect. Each apartment is vetted by local staff who speak English and French fluently, so there are no surprises when it comes to location, cleanliness or, gasp, smoking (still easy to find here in France). And if you think it will be difficult to find or you’ll struggle with bags, babies or jet lag after a six-hour red-eye, fear not: You can arrange everything you’ll need to stay like a local, including transportation from Charles de Gaulle or Orly airports, easily.