FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.

Tag: Mexico City

Destinations / Europe
Nov 9, 2019

American Football Goes Global

Football families know, the first signs of fall usually come in the form of a Sunday ESPN lineup, tailgating NFL games and breaking out the cold-weather gear to rep your team in chilly conditions. If your family already needs a break from the cold, or just a break in general, but wants to keep tabs on your team, you’re in luck — the NFL is going south of the border and across the pond.

Sunflower Accessibility Program Featured at O’Hare and Midway Airports

Travelers with invisible disabilities passing through O’Hare and Midway International Airports can now discreetly signal they need assistance thanks to a new Chicago Department of Aviation partnership that helps create more accessible and inclusive spaces.

Age Specific / Kids
Jul 15, 2019

Not a “Food Crawl,” But a Sprint for Adventurous Kids

By now, even casual eaters know Mexico City is not just Mexico’s national seat of government and a cultural hub, but also its gastronomic capital. With that reputation growing stronger over the past decade, many general interest and specialized tour companies have sought to cash in on Mexico City’s expansive panorama of tacos al pastor, pozole, tamales and quesadillas. But which one do you pick if you are traveling with young children, be they staunchly set on mac-and-cheese or fearless food explorers — or a few of each?

Travel Tips
Mar 11, 2019

Making Travel a Priority This Year

Whether your family plans to take more vacations this year or make more meaningful weekend getaways close to home, there are plenty of ways to whittle down your list while enjoying new experiences. Expand your horizons at home or abroad with this list of tips and suggestions for a memorable year.

Travel to Madrid with the Family and Find Activities to Keep Everyone Happy!

If life were a city, it’d be Madrid. Sometimes it can be quite the challenge to find a destination just right for the whole family. Different tastes and ages make agreeing on where to go seem impossible. Unless, of course, the destination you have in mind is Madrid. With all of its new immersive museums, musicals, soccer stadiums and monuments like Royal Palace, anyone who suggests coming to the capital is sure to get a unanimous yes!

Jun 28, 2018

Summer Family Travel Package

Families looking to travel on a budget this summer have a few package options to choose from. Keep your eye on deals specifically geared toward families where kids can stay and eat free or where you receive a discount for a family of four or more. Be choosey as you’re likely to have quite a few last-minute booking options and deals available, like the Rosewood Puebla’s new summer package.